


Endgame & Beta
- 🧠 Jonathan acknowledges the importance of a diverse and challenging endgame experience.
- 🚀 The game will start with limited endgame content during the Beta and Early Access period.
- 🏞️ Pinnacle bosses are planned, with a storyline to make the endgame engaging and interesting.
- 🔄 Post-launch updates will focus on expanding endgame content and will be integrated into every league cycle.
- 🕒 The Beta duration is expected to be around six months, with a possibility of extending if necessary.
- 🚀 The transition from Beta to full release will be seamless, with minimal downtime for players.

League & Expansions
  - Following a similar model to PoE1 with three-month cycles.
  - Larger expansions approximately once a year, focusing on endgame content.
  - Flexibility to adapt based on the evolving needs of the game.
  - Mention of not adding base classes but considering more ascendancy classes in the future.
- 💬 The S (Scion) class might not make a return due to complexities in skill tree planning and design considerations.
- 🔄 The center of the skill tree posed challenges in determining the paths and allocation of points for various classes.

Trade, Economy, SSF
- 💰 Gold will play a role in the trading system, with an interface on the website for searching and instant buyouts.
- 🔄 The non-gold-based player-to-player trade will still be available, and the web interface may be used for both systems.
- 🔄 The web interface may have a checkbox for instant buyouts, while traditional player-to-player trade remains an option.
- 🔄 The gold system aims to feel reasonable, and the balance will be adjusted to encourage usage without making the other system obsolete.
- 🔄 Currency trading may have a different system, and there might be an in-game interface for it without the need for a website.
- 🔄 **Migration Concerns:**
  - Migration from SSF to trade leagues raises concerns.
  - Adding advantages to SSF may complicate migration solutions.

- 🔍 **Quality of Life Features:**
  - Auto pickup for gold is implemented for convenience.
  - Pickup radius as a stat is not currently planned.
  - Inventory space remains the same; no significant changes.
  - Disapproval of one-slot items due to preference for realistic representation and RPG feel.
- 🧹 **Reducing Loot and Loot Filters:**
  - Efforts to make loot more relevant by reducing currency and items.
  - Reluctance to add an in-game interface, preferring community tools like FilterBlade.
  - Advocacy for community tools being more adaptable and user-friendly.
  - Emphasis on players being capable of creating interfaces for customization.
- 🌐 **Online Tools and Game Client Integration:**
  - Belief that a web browser provides a better experience for extensive information.
  - Concerns about pushing everything into the game client, preferring multitasking on a PC.
 - ⚙️ **Game Mechanics Explanation:** The importance of having basic information about game mechanics, like how Energy Shield works, explained within the game to avoid the need for external references.
- 🛠️ **Improved Help in Game:** Mentioning plans for improved in-game help, including tooltips about mechanics when items mention them.
- 🗺️ **Radius Visualization:** Consideration of adding a clear way to show the radius in-game, possibly through extra tooltips or a button press to display a circle around the character.

- 🔧 **Crafting Vision:** The desire for players to engage with crafting more frequently in Path of Exile 2, attempting to make it a common interaction with items.
- 🔍 **Scope Limitation:** Exploring the idea of limiting the scope of crafting systems to specific item types or mods to maintain a variety of interesting interactions without overwhelming complexity.
- 🛠️ **Crafting Dynamics**: Discusses the impact of crafting in games, emphasizing the need for both high-end and more frequent, accessible crafting opportunities to keep players engaged.

Influences, Group/Solo, Synergies
- 💡 **Influence from Other Games**: While the speaker draws inspiration from a broad range of games, not just ARPGs, they acknowledge the importance of learning from the genre's evolving standards, especially in areas like trade systems. 
- 🔄 **Evolving Game Design**: Reflects on how player expectations and industry standards influence game design decisions, especially regarding systems like crafting and trading in ARPGs.
- 🔄 Emphasis on modernizing and innovating to maintain and grow the player base.
- 🤔 Concerns about plateauing and potential decline led to the decision to start a new project.
- 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Player solo vs. group friendliness:
  - 🤔 All content in P2 should be playable solo, but open to improving group features.
  - 🔄 Balance between solo and group play to ensure equal rewards and enjoyment.
  - 🌐 Acknowledgment of the evolving gaming ecosystem with third-party platforms like Discord.
- 🔄 Cross-build synergy in P2:
- 🔄 Natural cross-build synergy due to the physical sense of interactions between skills.
  - 🤯 Concerns about potential excess cross-build synergy and its impact on multiplayer advantage.
- 🚀 Future considerations for in-game solutions like LFG features:
  - 🤔 Concerns about promoting the idea of being carried through the game.

Builds & Balance
- 🎮 **Game Philosophy on Builds:**
  - Developers want everything to be possible in the game but acknowledge the trade-off in effectiveness for one-button builds.
- 🔄 **Build Complexity and Gameplay:**
  - Path of Exile 2 builds may involve more actions, combos, and decision-making compared to PoE1.
  - While one-button builds may become effective at high levels, the goal is to maintain engaging content that requires thoughtful engagement.
 - 🎮 Philosophy on game-breaking issues: "during the beta, we have to reserve the right to fix things that will break your build"
- 🛑 Approach to overpowered builds post-release: "we kind of don't really want to screw around too much with that"

Chat Q&A (& Respec)
- 🛠️ Change in Respec system: "current Respec system actually uses gold, cheaper at low levels and more expensive at high levels"
- 🎮 Plans for in-game competition: "cool to have more things that you can compete on," considering more ladders and competitions.
- 🔄 **Meta Classes in PoE2**
  - In PoE1, meta classes were somewhat behind ranged play styles.
  - In PoE2, efforts have been made to balance and improve melee, addressing animation problems from the previous version.
  - The motivation for changes in PoE2 includes significant improvements to melee.
- ⏩ **Skip Campaign or Boosting**
  - No plans for skipping the campaign or boosting characters.
  - The second character in a league benefits from better gear and resources, making the campaign faster.



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